Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture

The Most Ridiculous Objection to The Design Inference

The Most Ridiculous Objection to The Design Inference

Mathematician and philosopher William Dembski discusses the most ridiculous objection to the original edition of his landmark book The Design Inference, which explored how we can detect intelligent design. A new expanded edition of the book has now been released, co-authored with computer scientist Winston Ewert. Find out more at….


The Design Inference

Twenty-five years ago, mathematician William Dembski unveiled a rigorous scientific method for detecting intelligent design in his book The Design Inference. Originally published by Cambridge University Press, Dembski’s landmark book sparked vigorous debate among scientists, scholars, and the public. In a dramatically expanded new edition, Dembski and co-author Winston Ewert show how Dembski’s method of design detection has stood the Read More ›

The Backstory of The Design Inference

The Backstory of The Design Inference

Mathematician and philosopher William Dembski gives the backstory on how he came to write the original edition of his landmark book The Design Inference, which explored how we can detect intelligent design. A new expanded edition of the book has now been released, co-authored with computer scientist Winston Ewert. Find out more at….

The Thesis of The Design Inference

The Thesis of The Design Inference

Mathematician and philosopher William Dembski discusses the thesis of the updated and expanded edition of his landmark book The Design Inference, which explores how we can detect intelligent design in nature. The book is co-authored with computer scientist Winston Ewert. Find out more at….


The New Design Inference: William Dembski Updates a Classic

Twenty-five years ago, mathematician William Dembski unveiled a rigorous scientific method for detecting intelligent design in his book The Design Inference. Originally published by Cambridge University Press, Dembski’s landmark book sparked vigorous debate among scientists, scholars, and the public. In a dramatically expanded new edition, Dembski and co-author Winston Ewert show how Dembski’s method of design detection has stood the Read More ›


Biochemist Michael Behe On Off-Roading in a Jeep to Teach Biology

Biochemist and bestselling author Michael Behe will go to great lengths to teach us about the stunning complexity and engineering prowess found in the living cell! In this clip from the ID The Future podcast, Professor Behe tells host Andrew McDiarmid about one of his favorite scenes to shoot in his popular video series Secrets of the Cell.


Origin of Life: Information

Life depends on information, but can unguided material processes produce the information needed for the first life? This episode of Long Story Short shows why unguided natural mechanisms can’t produce new biological information, and therefore can’t explain the origin of life. REFERENCES AND NOTES 1. Sara Walker & Paul Davies, The Algorithmic Origins of Life, 10 J. Royal Society Interface Read More ›

The Backlash to The Design Inference

The Backlash to The Design Inference

Mathematician and philosopher William Dembski discusses the backlash provoked by the original edition of his landmark book The Design Inference, which explored how we can detect intelligent design. A new expanded edition of the book has now been released, co-authored with computer scientist Winston Ewert. Find out more at….


Frightening Abuses of Science: A Conversation with Wesley J. Smith

Experiments on the living unborn. Organ harvesting. Reckless biotech. Radical environmentalism. These are not horror stories playing at your local movie theater. They’re playing out in labs, hospitals, and institutes across America. On this episode of ID The Future, host Andrew McDiarmid speaks with bioethicist Wesley J. Smith about frightening abuses of science being done in the name of progress. Read More ›


How to Glorify God in Your Family with Social Media (2023 Dallas Conference on Science and Faith)

How do you keep your family safe from the dangers of social media and other technologies? How can you use technology to promote human flourishing rather than dehumanization? Cultural commentator Andrew McDiarmid explores the answers to these questions and more. This talk took place at the 2023 Dallas Conference on Science and Faith. Andrew McDiarmid is Director of Podcasting and Read More ›