Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture

Michael Behe and Richard Sternberg to Defend Intelligent Design in Live Debate

Michael Behe, professor of biological sciences and Lehigh University, and Richard Sternberg, evolutionary biologist, will be taking part in a debate with Michael Ruse and Malgorzata Moczydlowska-Vidal over whether intelligent design is just an illusion or indeed a reality. Our friends at the En Arche Foundation will be organizing this event and have described it in further detail below: Intelligent Read More ›

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Conference on Engineering in Living Systems

CELS brings together leading engineers and biologists in order to: (1) apply engineering principles to better understand biological systems, (2) craft a design-based theoretical framework that explains and predicts the behaviors of living systems, and (3) develop research programs that demonstrate the engineering principles at work in living systems. Read More ›
Old town in Cracow, Poland in autumn time.

Faith and Science in the Age of Secularization

Discovery Institute’s Center for Science & Culture is pleased to announce a co-sponsored event taking place in Krakow, Poland featuring Senior Fellows Günter Bechly, Michael Behe, Richard Sternberg, and Guillermo Gonzalez among other speakers. Read below for a description from the conference organizers. The Polish Senate has declared 2023 the year of Nicolaus Copernicus, one of the most famous astronomers Read More ›

Open bible on desk.

Upcoming Conference to Explore Cosmic Mind and Divine Action

Philosopher and theologian Joshua Farris is hosting an online conference to examine Cosmic Mind, Divine Action, and Design-Engaged Theology. According to Farris, “the event will focus on intelligent design and its implications for science-engaged theology. Collectively, it will make the case for a God who cares—and for what that means as humans seek to join God’s redemptive mission in crucial Read More ›

Chicago Downtown at Night

Discovery Institute Speakers Featured at Upcoming Black Conservative Summit

The upcoming Black Conservative Summit 2023 will include two important sessions on science and scientism featuring Dr. John G. West, Vice President of Discovery Institute, Dr. Stephen Dilley, Senior Fellow of the Center for Science & Culture, and Sean Mixon, adjunct professor at Dallas College and an alumnus of the Center for Science & Culture Summer Seminar program. Sean Mixon and John West Read More ›

Hands reaching. Digital illustration sketch in the style of old renaissance drawings on paper.

The Imago Dei Conference

Casey Luskin, Associate Director of the Center for Science and Culture, and Jay Richards, Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute and Research Fellow at The Heritage Foundation, will both be presenting at an upcoming conference on the relationship between the scientific understanding of human origins and how such an understanding effects culture. Luskin will be presenting a session that will Read More ›

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Wordpress event banner for 2023 ID Education Day on Tiny Tech

Tiny Tech

After a 3-year hiatus, we are excited to announce that the annual Intelligent Design Education Day is returning to Washington State with new speakers and sessions related to the theme of Tiny Tech. This free in-person event will be hosted by our friends at Great Northern University in Spokane, WA and is designed primarily for junior high and high school Read More ›

Melissa Cain Travis Presents on Intelligent Design

Melissa Cain Travis has been invited to Oklahoma Baptist University to take part in the “Generation Why” Youth Apologetics Conference. Travis will be presenting a lecture titled The Language of Life: A Biochemical Case for Intelligent Design in the first plenary session at 9:00 AM, followed by a breakout session called Darwin’s Horrid Doubt: How the Human Mind Defies Naturalistic Read More ›


2023 Dallas Conference on Science & Faith

How has Christianity contributed to the rise of modern science? What do the latest scientific discoveries tell us about the existence of God? Explore these questions, and more, at Discovery Institute's 5th-annual Dallas Conference on Science & Faith. Read More ›

God’s Sovereign Plan Through His Creation

Stephen Meyer is coming to Southern California to discuss faith-based questions, such as: If these types of questions interest you, see more details below from the event organizers: It’s often assumed that if a person takes science seriously, then religion is not taken seriously. How do we as believers position ourselves in what is the Truth in these changing times? Read More ›