Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture


Yellow & Pink

On a fine day, a thin yellow puppet and a round, pink puppet sit in the sun. They wonder where they came from. Were they an accident of nature, brought about by a series of possible but improbable events? Did someone create them? They discuss their theories, and think they may have an answer. But just as they settle on Read More ›

Monument of great astronomer Nicolaus Copernicus, Torun, Poland

Owen Gingerich

Gingerich now sees a “strange covergence” between the biblical and the modern scientific explanations of the universe’s origin. Read More ›
Pregnant Woman Having 4D Ultrasound Scan

Fully Formed

The right-to-life movement has mastered a powerful new tool of persuasion: medical technology. A recently developed science called fetology has greatly enhanced knowledge of the human unborn, and harbors an implied challenge to the legal practice of abortion. “Now for the first time, we have the technology to see the abortion from the victim’s vantage point,” says Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Read More ›

university lecture
Business speaker giving a talk in conference hall.

Christianity Challenges the University

Few religious conferences ever rate coverage from media like Time, National Review, and local television. But then most religious conferences rarely invite prominent atheistic critics of Christianity. But a recent gathering in Dallas did precisely that. “Christianity Challenges the University: An International Conference of Theists and Atheists,” sponsored by Dallas Baptist University (DBU), brought some 40 of the world’s finest Read More ›

Un día en un gimnasio Panameño cuna de campeones mundiales de boxeo
Photo by Nathz Guardia at Unsplash

Discovery Institute Weighs In

Dear Editor, Abraham Lincoln is often credited for the old maxim that “You can fool all the people some of the time, and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time.” If this statement is true then matters do not sit well for a few of the more extreme Darwinists who Read More ›

3D illustration Virus DNA molecule, structure. Concept destroyed code human genome. Damage DNA molecule. Helix consisting particle, dots. DNA destruction due to gene mutation or experiment.
3D illustration Virus DNA molecule, structure. Concept destroyed code human genome. Damage DNA molecule. Helix consisting particle, dots. DNA destruction due to gene mutation or experiment

Selected Journal Articles by Michael Behe

Getting There First: An Evolutionary Rate Advantage for Adaptive Loss-of-Function Mutations Michael J. Behe Biological Information: New Perspectives, edited by R. J. Marks II, M. J. Behe, W. A. Dembski, and B. L. Gordon. World Scientific Publishing, Hong Kong, 450-473. Abstract: Over the course of evolution organisms have adapted to their environments by mutating to gain new functions or to Read More ›


Discussions about how evolution should be covered in school curricula should focus on science and evidence, not on personal attacks. Unfortunately, when you try to improve the teaching of evolution in your school district, groups opposed to teaching any criticisms of evolutionary theory may attack your motives, your sources, and your honesty. They may also seek to smear the personal Read More ›

Documents relating to school policy

RESOURCES SUMMARIZING THE SCIENTIFIC CONTROVERSIES OVER EVOLUTION The following resources document some of the important scientific issues regarding the modern theory of evolution known as neo-Darwinism. These are excellent materials to circulate among parents, school board members, and teachers. Fact Sheet: Micro-evolution v. Macroevolution Fact Sheet: The Cambrian Explosion 300+ Scientists Skeptical of Neo-Darwinism