Intelligent Design

The Center for Science and Culture

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Discovering How Science Points to God

Our friends at Park Cities Presbyterian Church are hosting a science and faith discussion in Dallas, TX with Stephen Meyer, Director of the Center for Science & Culture at Discovery Institute and author of Return of the God Hypothesis: Three Scientific Discoveries That Reveal the Mind Behind the Universe. Here’s a message from the organizers: As Christians, we have the privilege of Read More ›

Scientism is Unbelievable by Michael Newton Keas

Scientism Is Unbelievable

Historian of science Michael Keas critiques the idea of “scientism,” the claim that only science (not religion) is reasonable. He explains how this idea is based on fake stories about Christianity being at war with science in history. According to Keas, scientism also ignores evidence of how Christianity actually stimulated the growth of science. This presentation was taped at the Read More ›

Artificial neuron in concept of artificial intelligence. Wall-shaped binary codes make transmission lines of pulses, information in an analogy to a microchip.

Information as the Foundation of Business and Biology

The Association for Business Technology Professionals invites you to join their upcoming chapter meeting in Dallas, TX to hear from William Dembski, Distinguished Fellow of the Walter Bradley Center for Natural and Artificial Intelligence at Discovery Institute. Here’s a message from the organizers: Information is foundational to both business and biology. In business, information characterizes everything from prices to intellectual Read More ›


The Miracle of the Human Heart

How many times will your heart beat in your lifetime? How many red blood cells are pumped out with each contraction of your heart? And what parts of nature had to be fine-tuned to make our respiratory and circulatory systems even possible? Read More ›

The Debate Over Design in the Early Church

Current debates over whether nature displays evidence of intelligent design echo debates that took place in the first centuries of the Christian church. According to John West, there is much we can learn from those earlier debates. This presentation was taped at the 2022 Westminster Conference on Science and Faith in the greater Philadelphia area, which was jointly sponsored by Read More ›

Space and Galaxy light speed travel. Elements of this image furnished by NASA.

How Science Stopped Backing Atheists and Started Pointing Back to God

Far from pointing to "blind, pitiless indifference," the great discoveries of the last century point to the exquisite design of life and the universe and, arguably, to an intelligent creator behind it all. Read More ›