Foreign Policy

Have the Democrats forgotten about Reno?

It is time for the Democrats to stop bleating about US Attorney General Alberto Gonzalez. They complain that last year he fired some US Attorneys that worked for him. He had the legal right to fire them for any reason at all, but the Democrats say that he did it for political reasons, and that makes the firings inappropriate. I Read More ›

border fence
Tecate, Baja California, Mexico - September 14, 2021: Late afternoon sun shines on the USA Mexico border wall people walk in front of it.

Invasive and Ineffective

Proponents of the latest Senate effort to change the nation’s immigration laws emphasize border security. Indeed, the very title of the bill, the “Secure Borders Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007,” says so. This reflects public opinion. Surveys over the past two years consistently show that over two-thirds of our citizens believe border security should be the first Read More ›

Slaves Among Us

The existence of slavery in the 21st century comes as a shock to many Americans who believe that the institution ended with the Civil War. Although slavery today is not legal, it flourishes. The international slave trade reaches into every country around the world and involves, at the least, a few million people and, by some estimates, as many as Read More ›

Economic Liberty and Islam

Original Article DOHA, Qatar. Is there something inherent in Islam that has resulted in most Muslims living in poor countries, with the exception of the relatively few who live in the oil rich states? This was just one of the questions a group of American and Islamic scholars and experts were trying to answer in Doha, Qatar, last week. Qatar Read More ›

Does “”Freedom”” Mean Freedom From Slavery?

Freedom House released its ratings in January on the status of freedom in countries around the world. The ratings produced the usual smug smiles from those highly rated and the usual whining and wailing from governments criticized. But no one has commented on a gap in the annual report that has been evident for years. Once again, as in the Read More ›

Somali Diplomat to Speak in Seattle Wednesday

WHAT: Mr. Koshin Mohamed, Seattle resident has been asked by Somali President Abdullahi Yusuf to serve as Somalia’s new ambassador to the United States, pending formal U.S. recognition of his government. The continuing success of Somali troops of the Transitional Government of Somali, aided by Ethiopia and, indirectly, the U.S., in defeating the Islamic Court government of Islamic radicals has Read More ›

Avoiding a Thirty Years War

Will the entire Middle East descend into chaos? On Dec. 16, David Brooks, writing in the New York Times, presented a scenario whereby the Middle East became engulfed in a series of regional wars, resulting in the fall of most of the existing states and something close to anarchy in much of the region. His column has caused considerable comment Read More ›

Miller Resigns State Department Post

This article, published by The Washington Post, mentions John Miller of Discovery Institute: Miller, who has headed the State Department’s anti-slavery office since 2002, also will serve as a senior fellow at the Discovery Institute in Seattle. His last day at the department will be Dec. 15. The rest of the article can be found here.