
Center on Wealth & Poverty

Currency of the Founders

Reflecting on the 44 presidents who have served these United States and the Founding Fathers who had the vision to create our country, questions arise: Is America what the Founders envisioned it to be? If they were here now, what would the Founders do? What would they think? One thing seems clear: Current political debates could stand to be seasoned with Read More ›

Connecting Washington Initiative Update

David Moseley, Asst. Sec. WSDOT Ferries Division, reveals the terrible financial mess that the state’s transportation is currently in. He notes the 1.3 billion dollar deficit that we will be in over the next ten years and how dealing with the issue at the legislative level may be the solution. Read More ›

Indivisible – The Bus Tour

Jay Richards, Discovery Institute Senior Fellow, and James Robison, founder and president of LIFE Outreach International, are co-authors of the newly published book, INDIVISIBLE: Restoring Faith, Family, and Freedom Before it’s Too Late. A bus tour bringing the authors and their message to 22 cities in the Southern U.S. begins February 21st. With a clear conservative perspective, the authors tackle Read More ›

Romney and the Real Wealth Gap

The biggest challenge for Mitt Romney isn’t that America hates the rich; it’s that the public hates the undeserving rich, and deeply resents privileged punks and politically connected connivers who never performed constructive service to make their millions. If the GOP contender convinces people that he amassed his fortune through hard work, building businesses and creating jobs, they’ll cheerfully forgive his vast Read More ›