
In the Footsteps of Yates

In his book The Discovery of the Titanic (Warner Books, 1987), Dr. Robert D. Ballard included the image of a farewell note from one of the ship’s ill-fated passengers. The man had scribbled his note on a page torn from a diary, sealed it in an empty bottle, and handed it to a woman entering a lifeboat. “if saved inform Read More ›

Dante’s Divine Comedy

Purgatory, Journey to Joy, Part Two by Kathryn Lindskoog Mercer University Press, 1997Introduction and Preface, xiv pages, Purgatory, 202 pages A Review by Father David Baumann AT THE TIME he was writing the Comedy nearly seven hundred years ago, Durante (later shortened to Dante) Alighieri was confident that he was producing classic literature of timeless beauty. He intended to present Read More ›

The Lewis Legacy-Issue 77, Summer 1998 News and Views

Katherine Paterson, C. S. Lewis lover and author of Newbery Medal Award winner Bridge to Terebithia (a realistic novel about children inspired by Narnia), has won the 1998 Hans Christian Andersen Award, which is often referred to as the little Nobel prize. (It was established in 1956 by the International Board on Books for Young People and is awarded every Read More ›

The Lewis Legacy-Issue 77, Summer 1998 Notes and Quotes

“At Wheaton College in Illinois, where they are rather stupid fundamentalists, they have made C. S. Lewis into a god. They think he gives intellectual support for their prejudices.” A. N. Wilson, as quoted in the Times of London at the time of the release of “Shadowlands” “Kathryn Lindskoog has provided a very readable and engaging introduction to Dante…. Her Read More ›

Another Lewis Poem Carved in Stone

On 5 October 1997 Walter Hooper placed in the Bodleian Library a small but financially valuable piece of writing paper watermarked Basildon Bond. The first side is marked A, the second side is marked B, and they hold two versions of the same C. S. Lewis poem, both untitled. Herein is a mystery. This sheet of paper obviously illustrates Hooper’s Read More ›

The Wonders of E-mail: It’s a Small World

Sender: lindskoog@compuserve:comDate: Mon, Apr 27, 1998 Dear James, Here is the main text of a letter that surfaced from my files and piles and sank again in 1977. I typed this out then and offered it to the editor of a Lewis newsletter, and he was not interested. Now my carbon of this typed excerpt has surfaced. I wonder if Read More ›

A Brief Excerpt From a Long Letter: C. S. Lewis to Warren, 5 November 1939

Old Mrs. Moore died on Thursday evening. She had complained of being “uncomfortable” and feeling “only middling” for about 24 hours before, but on the whole her last days seem to have been painless and only partially conscious – in fact she was, in most senses of the word, dead for the last week or so. Miss Griggs, whose behaviour Read More ›

The Other Mrs Moore

In 1998 public questions emerged for the first time about the mystery woman from Northern Ireland who lived and died on the grounds of the Kilns in the late 1930s. Her name was Alice Moore, but she was not any relative of Janie Moore’s. Yet when she died in 1939 Janie Moore was her sole heir and Maureen was her Read More ›

In God’s Country: In the beginning, there was a bang. A very big bang. Nothing exploded into something. Quarks and leptons collided violently in an intense fireball of plasma. As the plasma expanded and cooled, the collisions became less violent, and particles joined together to form protons and neutrons and electrons, then nuclei and atoms and molecules. Huge clouds of these particles Read More ›