
Left out of Legacy 70, p. 8

The Lewis Legacy-Issue 71, Winter 1997 The C.S. Lewis Foundation for Truth in Publishing

6. Rehabilitations and Other Essays (London: Oxford University Press, 1939). Essays on literature and education. Long unavailable except from University Microfilms, Ann Arbor. In Xerographic edition. Contents:”Shelley, Dryden and Mr. Eliot,” ‘William Morris.” “The Idea of an ‘English School,”‘ “Our English Syllabus,” “High and Low Brows,” “The Alliterative Metre,” “Bluspels and Flalanspheres: A Semantic Nightmare,” “Variations In Shakespeare and Others.” “Christianity and Literature.”

7. The Personal Heresy (London: Oxford University Press, 1939). A written debate with E. M. W. Tillyard about the correct theory of poetry.

8. The Problem of Pain (London: Centenary Press, 1940; London: Fontana; New York: Macmillan). An attempt to reconcile the fact of suffering with the fact of a good God.

9. The Screwtape Letters (London: Bles, 1942; New York: Macmillan; New York: Touchstone). Christian ethics presented from the devil’s point of view. The Time Reading Plan edition of 1963 by Time, Inc. includes “Screwtape Proposes a Toast” and an introduction by Phyllis McGinley. It is a handsome, hard-to-find edition. Some later editions add a posthumous preface to “Screwtape Proposes a Toast” which should not be attributed to Lewis.

10. A Preface to Paradise Lost (London: Oxford University Press,1942). A scholarly Introduction to Milton’s masterpiece.

11. Broadcast Talks (London: Bles, 1942; New York: Macmillan). The first part of Lewis’s wartime radio series. Entitled The Case for Christianity by Macmillan.

12. Christian Behavior (London: Bles, 1943; New York: Macmillan). The second part of Lewis’s war-time radio series.

13. Perelandra (London: John Lane, 1943; New York: Macmillan). Second (and most celebrated) of Lewis’s science-fiction trilogy. Published as Voyage to Venus (London: Pan Books) in 1953.