
The Lewis Legacy-Issue 61, Summer 1994 Stop and Shop

The Lewis Legacy-Issue 61, Summer 1994 Stop and Shop The C.S. Lewis Foundation for Truth in Publishing

C. S. Lewis: Green & Hooper biography, fall 1994, Harcourt, $12.95softcover. Revised?

Canadian C.S. Lewis Journal: now available from Editor Roger Stronstad, c/o Western Pentecostal Bible College. U.S. orders: send $10 to P.O. Box 70, Sumas, WA 98295. Canadian orders: send $12 to Box 1700, Abbotsford, B.C., V2S 7E7. British orders: send 5.00.

The Door: serious Christian humor and satire magazine, 44 pages, no ads. July-August 1994 issue features interview with Kathryn Lindskoog and novel format. To order single copy ($4.50) call 1-800-776-8008.

Hot off the press: Personality and Adversity: Psychospiritual Aspects of Rehabilitation, by Legacy reader Carolyn Vash (Springer, 1994). Vash is known for Psychology of Disability.

Narnia: After 40 years, Macmillan loses U.S. publishing rights to HarperCollins

New Shadowlands film available on video.