
TV & Radio Appearances

Featured Interview

Dr. Stephen Meyer and Darwinist Dr. Michael Ruse discuss intelligent design and Darwinism on the PBS program Ben Wattenberg’s Think Tank.
Think Tank Part 1:
Think Tank Part 2:

Talk of the Times: Intelligent Design vs. Evolution (Seattle Times & Townhall)
Fellow: Stephen Meyer
April 26, 2006
Audio MP3(89.8MB)
–Or Download as Two MP3s—
Part 1-Audio MP3(47.2MB)
Part 2-Audio MP3(42.6MB)

Janet Parshall’s America
Fellow: Michael Behe & Jonathan Witt
April 20, 2006
Behe Audio MP3(5.25MB)
Witt Audio MP3(7.78MB)

The Michael Medved Show
Fellow: Stephen Meyer
December 21, 2005
Audio MP3 (10.6MB)

The Dori Monson Show (KIRO)
Fellow: Stephen Meyer
November 16, 2005
Audio MP3 (30MB, 53 min 29 sec)
–Or Download this As Two MP3s–
Part 1 – Audio MP3 (16.1MB, 28 min 29 sec)
Part 2 – Audio MP3 (14MB, 25 min 52 sec)

Sunday Morning (CBS News)
Fellow: Stephen Meyer
October 23, 2005

Tavis Smiley (PBS)
Fellow: Stephen Meyer
August 29, 2005
Windows Media (42.5MB)
Audio MP3(3.29MB)

To The Point (NPR)
Fellow: Mike Behe
August 23, 2005
Audio MP3(5.19MB)

OnPoint (WBUR&NPR)
Fellow: George Gilder
August 10, 2005
Audio MP3(8.3MB)
Real Audio(7.31MB)

MacNeil/Lehrer Newshour (PBS)
Fellow: Mike Behe
August 5, 2005
Windows Media(22.6MB)

Understanding Intelligent Design (Focus on the Family)
Fellows: Stephen C. Meyer & John West
August 1 & 2, 2005
Day 1: Audio MP3(25.5MB)
Day 2: Audio MP3(25.5MB)

Washington Journal (CSPAN)
Fellow: Mark Ryland
May 7, 2005
Windows Media(61.8MB)

Justice Talking (NPR)
Fellow: Paul Nelson
April 19, 2005
Audio MP3(20.MB)
(NPR Site)

Newshour with Jim Lehrer(PBS)
Fellow: Stephen Meyer
March 28, 3005
Windows Media(21.5MB)

Uncommon Knowledge (PBS)
Fellow: Jonathan Wells
January 14, 2005
Windows Media(33.3MB)
Written Transcript – Third Party Site